A simple, active firewall for Linux

Frustrated by brute force attacks on your server from botnets with ever-changing IP addresses? Me, too. I finally got around to assembling a simple Linux active firewall, which I call “slaf”. This PHP script monitors the CentOS secure log and records...

Favorite development tools

EditPlus – This little known Windows text editor is designed for developers, and it’s a terrific tool for web developers. It offers syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript, along with excellent FTP integration, which makes editing files on a...

More on PC and online security

The never ending battle for control of your PC continues.  Yes, your PC.  In recent weeks, I’ve had half a dozen people contact me for help in ridding their PC of fake antivirus software.  The number of fraudulent “phishing” emails being sent to people continues...

A word or two about anti-virus software

Anti-virus software has improved dramatically over the last decade.  Severe disruptions from viruses and malware, affecting many thousands of computers, were frequent occurrences.  Such things now seem to be a rarity.  Newer versions of email programs, particularly...